02 9721 3999

The Grandfather.

The Father.

The Son.

George Boyaji

George Boyaji (1922 - 2017)

The Syrian born Entrepreneur, Founder, Father and Grandfather adopted plastics when the trade was in it's infancy, bringing Allsale Plastic to life in Beirut, Lebanon. Forseeing the demise of Lebanon, George emigrated along with his family and Allsale Plastic to Sydney.

In a time where plastics and acrylic needed to be explained and demonstrated to consumers, all while living in a foreign country speaking a foreign language, George restarted his business in Sydney and set us on a path to where we are today.

Sam Boyaji

From being raised and trained under the watchful eye of his father, to now passing the gauntlet to his son, Sam brings no less than a lifetime of experience and knowledge in the field which is second to none in the Australian market.

This makes Sam specially suited to solution design and tailoring plastic solutions to meet the needs of industry and the public.

Nothing escapes this venerable father's eyes, ensuring all works designed and produced in our shop meet the highest standard of quality.

Sam Boyaji
Jerry Boyaji

Jerry Boyaji

The third Boyaji to take the reins, Jerry is busy bringing Allsale Plastic into the modern age using his extensive experience and background in technology. Jerry hopes to use this to revolutionise the business and open new avenues of growth.

From having been dragged from a young age to the factory with his father on school holidays and breaks, to now heading up operations at Allsale Plastic, Jerry is an experienced craftsman who hopes to one day rival the skills of his father and his father before him.

He is definitely the best looking of the three.

We are Allsale Plastic